Who we are

We are a Money Service Business registered in the UK under the companies’ house Umbrella with Active Company Number 04073939, We deals with Money Transfer and are actively working to Transfer money from UK to all the world

KINGDOM CORPORATE LIMITED T/A Trust Money Transfer (TMT) is committed to ensuring the highest ethical and professional standards in the conduct of its business activities

We are determined to maintain the reputation of the company to prevent it from becoming a vehicle for, or victim of, any illegal activity

We are effectively developing a culture within our Organization where the highest priority is given adherence with government regulations, To achieve this, we are regularly enhancing our Compliance practices and regular staff training to make sure they are aware of the laws and their responsibilities, We are also registered with HMRC for Anti Money Laundering Supervision and according to guidance of HMRC we are aligning our practices towards more compliant environment and we are aware of the legal requirement for us to notify the regulatory authorities whenever it has suspicions of any criminal activity by individuals engaged in a money transfer/foreign currency transaction

KINGDOM CORPORATE LIMITED is registered with HM Revenue and Customs as under

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